Success Stories
Celebrate with us. If you have an employment story to share, please contact us at

Rachel Summers
In the beginning of 2016, I received a letter from the Social Security Department about the Ticket to Work program. After doing more research into this, I found that I would be eligible to work from my home in an online situation.
Kathryn Knepper
Katherine identified her disability to be: hearing loss in both ears and came to VR as a self referral. When she came in she was already employed and hoping DVR would help her maintain her employment as she was having difficulties with her communication exchanges in the workplace.
John Kupec
John, a 59 year old Air Force veteran, was referred to DVR by the VA Specialist from DWS - Employment and Training division. He identified his disability to be: TBI- Head injury.
Beth Jones
Beth Jones, originally from Cheyenne, has been working as an office aide at the Wyoming Institute for Disabilities at the University of Wyoming for nine years.